Attestation Requirements

Attestation Requirements

Attestation of Documents Issued by Pakistani Authorities

Kindly note that all documents like Birth Certificates, Educational Degrees, Marriage Certificate, FRC, Income Certificates etc. that are issued by Pakistani authorities require prior attestation from Pakistan Foreign Office, Islamabad or one of  its Camp Offices in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar or Quetta.

The Consulate attests and translates these documents into Italian language for further submission to the Italian authorities. Personal appearance of the applicant or his family member is mandatory. Incase the applicant is not present, authority letter, attested from Foreign Office Islamabad will be required for submission of documents. The documents can be submitted from 0900 hrs to 1230 hrs Monday to Friday and are returned on the same day.

Kindly note that only original documents are attested. Copy of Passport/ CNIC and one set of photocopy of documents that require attestation needs to be attached at the time of submission of documents.

Documents that have appostille certificate do not require attestation from the Consulate and they can be directly submitted to the concerned Italian authority.

Attestation of Documents Issued by Italian Authorities:

Documents like Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate issued by Italian authorities require prior attestation from the Perfectura.

For issuance of Same Person Certificate both original documents are required.