Nulla Osta For Death

Requirement for Nulla Osta for Death

Documents required for Issuance of  NULLA OSTA for Dead Bodies

  1. Death Certificate (from the Comune/Muncipilaty) and death certificate from the hospital.
  2. Death should be natural. If the death comes for other causes (accident) Nullaosta from the police Authorities (Procura) will be required.
  3. Request of funeral agency.
  4. Photocopy of Pakistani passport and ID of the dead person.
  5. Request of a member of the family to repatriate the body.(Download Form)
  6. Copy of Pakistani documents of the person who requests the repatriation.

There is no fees charged by the Consulate for the issuance of Death Nulla Osta.

To report the death of a Pakistani or for assistance in compilation of documents for Nulla Osta for Repatriation of Dead Body, kindly contact following numbers:

CWA Section

Tel: 02 66703271

Fax: 02 67479076
