A Seminar to observe Kashmir Black Day on “interfaith harmony and rights of women and children in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK)” was held at the Consulate General of Pakistan Milan, today. A large number of Pakistanis, academia, students and human right experts participated.

After recitation of the Holy Quran, messages of the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out by the Deputy Consul Ahmad Waleed. An analysis of the conflict origin and impact on geo-politics of the region was made by Mr. Stefano Vernole, from Centro Studi Eurasia Mediterraneo (CeSm), an Italian think tank.  Later, Prof. Christina Cianitto from State University of Milan and Prof. Diego Abenante from the University of Turin highlighted historical, constitutional and human rights aspects of the Kashmir dispute. Mr. Tanveer Kidhar, a Pakistani national and Councillor for the Commune of Brescia also addressed the gathering and urged international community to come forward and play their due role. A short documentary on Kashmir dispute was also played.

Consul General Aqsa Nawaz, in her concluding remarks, highlighted the impact of prolonged oppression on Kashmiri women and children and stressed the international community to take notice of adverse situation of human rights in IIOJK. She said that violations of human rights of women and children cannot be neglected there any more as it will continue to be cause of political, economic and social unrest in the region. In order to co-exist peacefully in complex and diverse societies, she said, it was vital to shun violent ways and revive justice and communal harmony. She reiterated that the people and government of Pakistan would continue to lend diplomatic, moral and political support to the Kashmiri people until full exercise of their promised right of self-determination according to the United Nation’s Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.