Kashmir Solidarity day was commemorated by Consulate General of Pakistan, Milan today by organizing a seminar. The seminar was attended by Pakistani diaspora and local officials.

After the recitation of Holy Quran, Deputy Consul Ahmad Waleed read out messages of the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Pakistan. A video documentary on human rights violation by Indian occupied forces in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) was presented to the audience. Speeches were made by prominent Pakistanis, including, Mr. Tanveer Kidhar, Pakistani origin Counsellor of the Commune di Brescia. The speakers emphasized on the need to continue raising awareness on Indian atrocities and human rights violations all across the globe, including with their Italian counterparts. They also condemned illegal Indian actions of August 5, 2019, and expressed concern on steps by Indian government to change demographics of the Kashmiri people.

Consul General Aqsa Nawaz, in her remarks, highlighted the impact of prolonged oppression on Kashmiri women and children.  She also condemned the Indian Supreme Court’s recent ruling on December 11, 2023, as a failed attempt to consolidate and legitimize the illegal actions of 5th August for the Indian government. She emphasized that Kashmir is an international issue and India cannot resolve it through illegal unilateral actions. She stressed that the only solution to this 76-year-old dispute was to grant fundamental right of self-determination to Kashmiri people, as outlined in various UNSC resolutions. She reaffirmed Pakistan’s full and continued support to the people of Jammu and Kashmir in their legitimate struggle against foreign occupation.