Visa Requirements

Please note that all Pakistani visas are applied online through You only have to visit Consulate incase you have been requested for interview. You are required to upload proof of legal residence,  in case you are not present in your home country and are applying for visa from a third country. Issuance of Visa is the prerogative of the Government of Pakistan. Requirement for different categories of visas are as follows:

Sr. Category Requirement
1 Tourist 1. Photograph

2. Passport

3. Hotel booking Details

2 Family 1. Photograph

2. Passport

3. POC or likewise;

o Marriage certificate

o Birth Certificate


3 Work In case of employment by company:

1. Passport

2. Photograph

3. Employment letter from SECP registered company showing salary and duration of assignment/ appointment or sponsorship / guarantee letter from company

4. Recommendation of BOI/ CWA concerned

In case of single person-owned business:

1. Passport

2. Photograph

3. Employment letter/ agreement showing salary and duration of assignment/ appointment or sponsorship / guarantee letter from employer

4. Tax certification of employer

5. CNIC/ Passport of employer

6. Recommendation of BOI/ CWA concerned

4 Business 1. Photograph

2. Passport

3. Proof of registration of company which is extending invitation (SECP/ Chamber of Commerce Certificate)

4. Any of the following:

o Recommendation letter from CC&I of respective foreign country

o Invitation letter from business organization duly recommended by concerned trade organization in Pakistan – In order to get this REQUIRED DOCUMENT– Please apply through Pakistan’s E-Business Invitation Letter System

o Recommendation letter by the honorary investment counselor of BOI/Commercial Attaché

5 Student 1. Photograph

2. Passport

3. Admission/Bonafide letter

4. NOC from HEC/Economic Affairs Division/IPC/Health Ministry/Education Ministry

5. For Entry visa: NOC from the concerned Government

6. For Extension: NOC from concerned embassy in Pakistan of students country

7. Sponsorship/Bank Statement in case of accompanying family)

6 Journalist 1. Photograph

2. Passport

3. Letter from Media Agency/Organization

4. Recommendation from Ministry of information and broadcasting/Press Attaché/Pak Mission Abroad.

7 Official 1. Photograph

2. Passport

3. Letter of Recommendation (By Economic Affairs Division/MOFA/ Respective Ministry or Departments)

4. Military Service Form(In case your visit purpose is Military Establishment)