Q: Do I have to surrender CNIC to obtain POC/NICOP?
A: In case if you are applying for POC (Pakistan Origin card); you have to surrender your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card). However, for NICOP you don’t have to surrender your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card).


Q: Do I need to fill the Urdu portion of the NICOP form?
A: Yes, you should fill out the fields marked in Urdu.

Q: How do I get the NICOP form attested?
A: Any person holding CNIC or NICOP can attest the form.



FAQ Passport

1) I want to apply for Passport what are the requirements?
There are requirements on our website in the Passport section.

2) When I apply for Passport renewal, will my previous Passport be returned to me?
Yes it will.